What is Biodiversity?
Biodiversity is simply the variety of life on earth, from small micro-organisms to large plants, animals and the ecosystems they depend on. It is found all around us in gardens, parks, roadside verges, fields, mountains, rivers and coasts.
Biodiversity is important for a wide range of reasons, and we all have a role in looking after native plants and animals, protecting ecosystems, and raising awareness of the value of our natural environment. Healthy biodiversity is vital for our economy, our health and well-being, and the stability of our natural systems.
Ireland’s 1st National Biodiversity Plan was launched in April 2002, with a series of updates published since, each building on the achievements of previous plans. These Plans set the national biodiversity agenda and aim to deliver the meaningful changes required.
Ireland’s 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan 2023-2030 strives for a “whole of government, whole of society” approach to the governance and conservation of biodiversity. The Plan has been developed with the support, advice and input of the Interdepartmental Biodiversity Working Group and the independent Biodiversity Forum.
It will continue to implement actions within the framework of five strategic objectives, while addressing new and emerging issues:
- Objective 1 - Adopt a Whole of Government, Whole of Society Approach to Biodiversity
- Objective 2 - Meet Urgent Conservation and Restoration Needs
- Objective 3 - Secure Nature’s Contribution to People
- Objective 4 - Enhance the Evidence Base for Action on Biodiversity
- Objective 5 - Strengthen Ireland’s Contribution to International Biodiversity Initiatives
A video to promote Actions for Nature and Ireland’s 4th National Biodiversity Action Plan can be viewed here.
Previous National Biodiversity Action Plans can be found on the National Parks and Wildlife Service website here with county, city and community Biodiversity Action Plans available on Ireland’s Portal for Biodiversity Action Plans.
Local Authorities lead many of the actions that are taken at a city and council level. They have many duties in relation to biodiversity and seek to embed the protection and enhancement of biodiversity through the functions and services they deliver.
In November 2023 Donegal County Council appointed its first Biodiversity Officer with funding awarded under the Local Authority Biodiversity Officer Programme. The programme is being delivered by the Heritage Council and the County and City Management Association (CCMA) with the support of the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and the National Parks and Wildlife Service. Local Authority Biodiversity Officers work at city and county level collecting data on biodiversity, carrying out conservation projects, developing policy, providing advice and information, and raising awareness.
The Heritage Council supports the Biodiversity Officer post in Donegal County Council and provides support for the delivery of the Local Biodiversity Action Plans.
You can find out more about the Local Authority Biodiversity Officer Programme on The Heritage Council website and by viewing this video.
During 2024 and 2025, Donegal will begin to prepare their first County Biodiversity Action Plan. During this process there will be opportunities for the public and any stakeholder to input their ideas through pre-draft consultation and subsequently make comment on a Draft BAP when it is ready. If you wish to get in touch about the development of the Draft County Biodiversity Action Plan, please email biodiversity@donegalcoco.ie.