Publications and Online Resources
- A Field Guide to the Dry-Stone Walls of County Donegal
- A Guide to County Donegal's Oral Recordings
- Audit of Heritage Objects associated with Farming & Fishing (Report)
- Audit of Historical Photographic Collections for County Donegal (Report)
- Biodiversity Species List for County Donegal (Publication)
- Birds & Wildlife of Tory Island - Side A (Brochure - English)
- Birds & Wildlife of Tory Island - Side B (Brochure - English)
- Éanacha & Dúlra Oileán Thoraí (Brochure - Irish)
- County Donegal Heritage Plan (Text Version)
- Cultúr: A Strategic Vision for Cultural Services 2016 - 2020
- Cultúr Le Chéile - Strategic Plan for Culture Division 2022-2026
- Cooley Cross Graveyard (Brochure - English)
- Donegal Heritage ‘Life & Lore’ Collection (Catalogue)
- Donegal’s Farming Heritage (Booklet)
- Ecological Study of Inishfree Upper & Inishmeane (Report)
- Hedgerow Survey of County Donegal (Report)
- 'Heritage in Your Hinterland' Guide to Museums & Heritage Centres (Booklet)
- Heritage Towns of County Donegal (Brochure)
- Ballyshannon ‘Heritage Town’ (Brochure)
- Moville ‘Heritage Town’ (Brochure)
- Ramelton ‘Heritage Town’ (Brochure)
- Raphoe ‘Heritage Town’ (Brochure)
- County Donegal 'Heritage Week' Event Guide 2012 (Booklet)
- Landscape Conservation for Irish Bats: County Donegal (Report)
- Material Culture of Donegal Communities Abroad (Booklet)
- Nature’s Calendar (Newspaper Column)
- Plantation Architecture & Landscape in Derry & Donegal (Booklet)
- Ramelton Audio Heritage Tour (Brochure)
- Ramelton Audio Heritage Tour (mp3)
- Taobhtire 2000: A study of six towns and villages (Report)
- The Management of Old Bridges (Report)
- Where to see birds on Tory Island / Guidelines to Visitors (Leaflet - English)
- Faire éan ar Oileán Thoraí / Treoirlínte do Chuairteoirí (Leaflet - Irish)
- Conserving & Enhancing Wildlife in Towns & Villages (Booklet)
- Conserving Bats (Booklet)
- Conserving Hedgerows (Booklet)
- Gardening for Biodiversity (Booklet)
- Garraíodóireacht ar son na Bithéagsúlachta (Leabhrán)
- Biodiversity in Your Garden (Colouring Book)
- Gardening for Biodiversity - Colouring Book
- Guidance for the Care, Conservation & Recording of Historic Graveyards (Booklet)
- Nurturing Your Sense of Place: The Heritage Officer Programme (Brochure)
- Protected Structures (Booklet)
- Spring into Heritage (Bucket List)
- Saving Swifts (Booklet)
- An Oidhreacht san Earrach (Bucket List)
- The Heritage Council: Supporting Jobs, Education & Tourism in Local Communities
- The Heritage Officer Programme (Leaflet)
- Wildlife in Buildings (Booklet)
- An Dúlra i bhFoirgnimh (Booklet)
- Heritage of Archaeological Sites (mp3)
- Heritage & Biodiversity (mp3)
- Heritage of Hedgerows (mp3)
- Heritage & Use of Lime Mortar (mp3)
- Heritage of Wild Birds (mp3)
- Heritage of Waterways & Canals (mp3)
A Nature Guide to the Ardara – Portnoo Area of County Donegal (2007)
Ballyshannon & Surrounding Areas: History, Heritage & Folklore (2009) |
Hugh Allingham - Selected Works (2007)
Kenneth King: Life and Work (2013)
Lime Works: using lime in traditional and new buildings (2009)
St. Catherine’s Church & Graveyard and the Medieval Town of Killybegs (2008)
The Road To Glenlough (2023) Christy Gillespie |
Traditional Boats of Ireland: History, Folklore & Construction (2008)
The Butterflies of Donegal (2015) Bob Aldwell & Frank Smyth (Dublin, Ashfield Press) ISBN 978-1-901658-91-0
Wild Things: Little stories of Irish Wild Plants With Fun Recipies & Activities (2023) Hannah Gallagher & Laura Buchanan |